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This is Molly.


And this is Molly, too.


This is Katie, playing in the snow one day with Molly.


And this is also Katie, looking very serious in the British Museum in London. This picture has nothing to do with Molly, but I thought it was a cool picture of Katie.

Molly and Katie have been almost inseparable since the day the Katie brought Molly to her home. Molly’s full name is The Unsinkable Molly Brown, and it suits her well. 

We have all had so much fun with Molly. At the house, she would bark at the broom or the vacuum cleaner. We would take her to the waterfront in Louisville or to the lake in Tennessee, and she would bark at the waves. She could be very cuddly if she was tired enough.

My five-year-old niece calls the pair “Molly and her mother”.

A while back we went to visit Katie in her apartment in Indianapolis. She lived on the third floor of a pet-friendly apartment building.

The area right out Katie’s front door was one of those artsy, Bohemian types – all kinds of boutiques and an array of interesting restaurants. Among these shops was a dog bakery.

We decided that day that we would take Molly for a walk and drop by the dog bakery, one of her favorite destinations. Katie handed me Molly’s leash, but she realized that Molly had chewed through her collar. She made note that we would pick up another collar at the dog bakery, and Katie temporarily tied the leash around Molly’s neck.

The second that Molly’s leash was in my hands, I realized that we were off to the races. She flew down those three flights of stairs in a heartbeat, dragging me as she went along. I thought it was amazing how strong a little dog could be.

Bryan and Katie caught up with us outside. There was a red light along a busy street, and Molly was chomping at the bit to get across that street. I could hardly hold her back until the light changed, and then I was running crazily behind her, trying to keep hold of her leash.

About a quarter of the way down the street, she broke loose of the temporary hold that the leash had on her. First, I ran and called Molly’s name several times. Then I looked back and started calling out, “Katie, I am so sorry!” We were on a busy street, and I had lost Molly in a crowd of people and cars. I was feeling a little sick at my stomach that I had let Katie down.

But Katie called back to me, “Mom, don’t worry. Really. It will be alright.” She seemed very calm, considering the circumstances.

As the crowd parted in front of us, I saw Molly. She was sitting outside the dog bakery, waiting for us to come in and buy her a treat!

Katie said that Molly knew where the bakery was, and she would sit there every time until Katie would stop and buy her a treat.

Smart dog!